Atlantic Rollers

Atlantic Rollers

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Atlantic Crossing Feb 3,09

Tuesday Feb 3,09

We ran smack into the Doldrums around 5:00am this morning.

The wind dropped and then began shifting around for a half hour or so then dropped to nothing by
6:00am. So we took in all sail and fired up our “iron topsail” and are heading South. The Captain expects to
get back into winds later in the day.

Veronica says we expect to cross the line tomorrow sometime depending on how long we have to motor

The Sun is out and it is suddenly very hot, even Bruce is beginning to get a shine

I’ll have to come up with a mounting for my fan tonight I’m thinking.


We motored for about 6 hours or so then set all sails except stunsls in what looked like the same
conditions as we took them in. Sure enough within the hour we got some wind and rain squalls and we are
now sailing along at about 3 knots. The sky was really beautiful with all different kinds of clouds some
looking like mini thunderstorms others like small Chinook arches and even fluffy summer clouds.

A school of small tuna came leaping by the bows of the ship while I was on lookout. They jump almost
straight up in bright silvery blue flashes. I even saw one do a back flip!

After dinner all us polliwogs got together for a “before” picture and after the ritual we will do an “after’
one as well. I’m resigned to loosing my pony tail not sure how I feel about potentially loosing the beard
and everything else though :-/

Tomorrow may be the day we are now less than 60 miles from the line.

Wish me luck.

Thanks for reading

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