Atlantic Rollers

Atlantic Rollers

Monday, August 22, 2016

Get ship to rights for the River day

Sat Aug 20

We got to "sleep in"  till almost 8:00 today. Woo.

This morning was a serious work process of moving all the stuff we had moved off the ship to the dock for the filming back to where it belongs. Th film crew set guys came and removed all the fake wooden wallpaper without destroying the paint which was nice. The black/brown crap paint made of coloured wallpaper has to be washed off with our fire hoses once we are out of the harbour.  The film guys were supposed to power wash it off but the harbour master said not unless you are more than 4km outside the harbour :-)  It rained last night so it looks pretty gross now.

We moved all our collection of propane cylinders, welding gear and fuel tanks back into te breezeway and lashed them into place. Then we "flashed" the sails dropping them into their gear to drop their rainwater load ad start to dry.

We hoisted the the Monomoy boat up to the galley roof which took all hands. A carefully coordinated  action using blocks on the main yard and the foreyard and a heavy line from the masthead run to the capstan. I was on the capstan.

This afternoon will be more of the same.

At least there is a nice onshore breeze blowing so it isn't quite as hot as it was earlier.

More later.

It was a very busy and hot afternoon moving stuff around and hoisting the skiff on to the main deck so we can get through the locks on our way down the St Lawrence.

All the newly joined crew including myself, got our safety orientation, where we toured the ship learning where all the fire extinguishers, watertight doors, medical kits and emergency equipment is stored. We also had to try on the immersion suit which on a hot and sticky day like today was brutal. Luckily we only had to put them on and then we could take them off right away.

Our watch is on duty today so we had to clean up the galley and will be standing dock watches. Mine is from 2320 to 0040, and I'm by myself this time.

Fiji, our ship's cat, keeping a sharp lookout.

Tomorrow we get up early get the ship ready and head out into the lake.
With luck we will have breakfast under sail!

Thanks for reading.

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