Atlantic Rollers

Atlantic Rollers

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sailing to Anguila Mar 23, 09

Thursday, March 26th, 2009

Monday Mar 23,09

We up anchored and sailed off the hook, after loading our “flotilla”,all 4 of them, back on board, around

A brief sail under topsails courses and t’gallants brought us to the other side of Union island by noon. As
we approached Union Island I went aloft to the t’gallants to stow the sail. This is the first time I’ve done
that and it was exhilarating and scary at the same time.

The Captain has gone ashore to clear us out of St Vincent and the Grenadines and we will be sailing for
Anguila some 350 miles to the North.

The passage to Anguila will take about three days which, in the words of our Captain at muster this
morning, “For the new people is an epic sea voyage, for those who’ve been aboard longer it’s detox”.

Heh :-)

Actually it will be nice to have a longer passage. I like the normal watch routine and sailing the ship. It’s
quite a comforting routine for me now which is a bit odd but cool too :-)

We hoisted the anchor and sailed off the hook headed North on our passage around 3:30 this afternoon.
That is the first time we have done that twice in the same day, at least whilst I have been aboard. A great
way to get back in Seaman mode for the passage :-)

The night has fallen and left the ky sprinkled with bright white stars and bright green flashes of
phosphorescence along the hull. A great end to a busy day full of seaman’s work on this fine barque of

Thanks for reading.

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