Atlantic Rollers

Atlantic Rollers

Friday, August 19, 2016

Left behind...

Friday Aug 19

All hands called after an early breakfast. 

Braced the yards around to the opposite tack and cleared up ready to sail.

Got booted off the ship along with two other new crew because the ship is heading out into the lake to continue filming. The ship will be incredibly crowded with almost 70 people on board. The Captain figured it was best if only the established crew stayed. I'm disappointed in one sense because it would have been the first sail, but in another I don't envy the crew trying to work surrounded by a giant film crew.

Stowed all the secondary dock lines and then got changed into my shore clothes just as a fog bank swept down on the dock.

My Shipmate Allison who is helping us get ready to leave tomorrow drove us up to the Royal Ontario Museum after the ship motored off into the fog.

And we are now ensconced in the air conditioned WiFi enabled restaurant Gabby's across the street.

More later...

The ROM is amazing.
Allison had suggested we could easily spend  a day there and she was not kidding.
Once we had our fill of the interesting displays we headed out of downtown on the subway and streetcar to a renovated area called The Distillery, very trendy :-)
Having a great iced cider at a Brew Pub and then we will wander back down Cherry Street to the dock, probably 20 minutes away or so.

The ship will probably come back around 8:00pm once it starts to get dark.
We'll aim to be there and help her tie up, or not, we'll see.

Later later.

Ship motored up to the quay at around 9:30pm, a ghostly ship looming up out of the darkness. In her black paint job she was nearly invisible except for the lighter grey of her sails hanging in their gear far above. Deft use of capstan and engine snugged her up to the quay, a very slick bit of ship handling in the dark.

I felt a bit guilty dressed in my shore going rig while a very tired crew carried on with getting the ship settled and the film crew  off with their junk/gear.

As luck would have it the Port watch is on duty tonight so I don't have to stand deck watch. Woot.

Did I mention I felt a bit guilty?

Thanks for reading.

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