We arrived in BVI and anchored off Spanishtown on the island of Virgin Gorda (fat virgin).
Our arrival was pretty exciting. As we were sailing up towards the island the Canadian Barkentine
Caledonia was approaching the anchorage from the other direction. For us to get in we had to tack and
we did so just as Caledonia was motoring past. From where I was on the quarter deck it looked like we
were really close to them. The people on Caledonia were all taking pictures as we swung through the
wind directly abeam of them.
Then we up anchored again and motored back to anchor off Spanishtown again. Got a good workout
today :-)
After dinner I went ashore and spent the evening doing Internet stuff and chilling.
More later…
I’m in a little restaurant drinking coffee and waiting for my laundry to finish. We will be heading for Jost
Van Dyke around 11:00am this morning and we will be there for 4 days then it’s on to Bermuda which
should take 10 days or so.
I’m actually looking forward to another long passage, and this one will be the second last of the whole
These 6 months are nearly over and I have crossed a great ocean and passed through Neptune’s Court and
felt the power which is the Sea itself. So much beauty, hard work and fun. The next 20 days will be bitter
sweet as we head North back to the cold but also back to the warmth of our loved ones.
Thanks for reading.
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