Thursday, March 26th, 2009
Had a great ‘mandatory fun’ day :-)

I went snorkeling on the reefs this morning. We used the rescue boat and motored out to three different spots. The first spot was a bit too deep with a fairly big swell running so we moved to a second spot closer to shore which was nice. I haven’t used a mask, fins and a snorkel for probably 30 years or more so it took some getting used to. Once I got comfortable using them I was able to dive down and get a good look at all the multi coloured fish hiding around the bases of the coral mounds. The last place we went had a lot more coral of different kinds and consequently more varieties of fish. It was really cool!
In the afternoon I went ashore with David and wandered through the town. We then went back to the
beach across from the ship and I snoozed under a tree on the beach for an hour or more.
This evening we had a BBQ on the ship and as I write this there is still a boisterous party on the welldeck :-)
A lovely day in a lovely place.
Tomorrow we head North towards Anguila which will take several days as I understand it.
Thanks for reading.
Here are some photos from my day in Maryeau.
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