Atlantic Rollers

Atlantic Rollers

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Passage to Grenada Feb 17,09

Tuesday Feb 17,09 Day 10

Our night watch last night was uneventful but trick to move around in as there was a good strong roll to the
ship. We seem to have made it back into the tradewinds as the skies are much clearer.

We are really moving along now at over 9.3 knots over the bottom. We are sailing at only 6 through the
water so we have definitely picked up that current. Luckily the current is going our way :-)

Going to try to get a couple of Sun sights today and see if I can get a proper fix. Just one would be nice to
prove that I can do it.

More later…

It’s later and I jut got off of our afternoon watch. The sky is clear and filled with stars sparkling like so
many jewels scattered across a sheet of black velvet.

While on lookout I watched a school of tuna chasing a school of smaller fish. The tuna come straight up
and out of the sea in bright silvery splashes. I followed one as it went back into the water and man are
they fast. The flash through the water like so many silver bullets. It’s quite amazing really, Paul the second
mate has his lines out to try and catch some but they seem to be laughing at him while they jump

We are now 650 miles from Grenada still doing 8+ knots.

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